Starptautiskie pārvadājumi

Dedicated Customer Teams & Agile Services

Our worldwide presence ensures the timeliness, cost efficiency compliance adherence required to ensure your production timelines are met.

Starptautiskie pārvadājumi

Mūsu galvenā specialitāte ir ilgtermiņa sadarbība starptautisko kravu pārvadājumu jomā, izmantojot autotransportu, starp EEZ Eiropas ekonomiskās zonas) valstīm. Mūsu speciālistiem ir vairāk nekā desmit gadu pieredze šādu loģistikas pakalpojumu nodrošināšanai visās EEZ valstīs un Krievijā.

Why Us!

We continue to pursue that same vision in today’s complex, uncertain world, working every day to earn our customers’ trust! During that time, we’ve become expert in freight transportation by air and all its related services. We work closely with all major airlines around the world.

We continue to pursue that same vision in today’s complex, uncertain world, working every day to earn our customers’ trust! During that time, we’ve become expert in freight transportation by air and all its related services. We work closely with all major airlines around the world.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

An integrated approach to providing engineering services allows our clients to benefit from the commercial and logistical

Accurate Testing Processes

We’ll work with you on your project, large or small. Together we’ll fine-tune your new construction, remodeling or renovation

Key Benifits